With A Few Cents Per Piece, You Can Reach an Entire Neighborhood with Every Door Direct Mail® Postcards.
Grow your business and increase revenue at a fraction of the cost...without a mailing list. Every Door Direct Mail® (EDDM) is an additional way to think about marketing your business to every door in the neighborhood without the need for specific addresses or names. From design to delivery to the U.S. Post Office, let Minuteman Press of Lindenhurst help you choose the carrier routes and price an EDDM postcard mailing.
Every Door Direct Mail® (EDDM)® Helps Businesses Build More Traffic • Find New Customers • Increase Revenue
The United States Postal Service's EDDM® program allows you to have your postcards delivered to individual neighborhoods, using carrier routes. You identify the carrier routes in the target area and control the drop date and the USPS delivers directly to every door on the route. You save the cost of purchasing a mailing list, and there's no permit required, which puts more money back into your campaign's pocket.
You choose the community you want to reach and
we do EVERYTHING else!
Contact us for more information.
Start Picking Out Your Carrier Routes
- There is no mailing list to buy. You pick an area zip code, an area around a certain address or a specific postal carrier route. Your mail piece gets delivered to every address or every door in that area – First Class.
- The mail piece can be very large. Your mail piece must be as least 6.5 in x 9 in but and be as large as 12 in x 15 in. What a great size to deliver a message and stand out from the crowd!
- The cost is significantly less than traditional direct mail. Currently, the postage is $0.191/piece ($191 per thousand) vs. $0.55/piece ($550 per thousand).
Have your own design?
If so, let us inspect your files so we can make sure we are producing the highest every door direct postcards for you at an affordable price. Contact us now to see how we can help!