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How to Show Customers the Love This Valentine’s Day

Roses are red, violets are blue—use these tips to show customers how much they mean to you! Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching, and the holiday is about much more than showing love to your significant other. Instead, use this time to reinforce how much your customers mean to you. After all, we just got through the major holiday season and have the whole year ahead to work together! Check out these ways you can show your customers you care.


Send an email campaign.

Email is a simple way you can quickly craft a message to your existing customer base. This works especially well if you may have waited until the last minute to get out a message (you’re busy, we totally get it!). Send a simple note to your customer base thanking them for all they’ve done for you. Make them feel the love! 


Mail a valentine.

Direct mail is the original valentine! Send a mailer out simply to show how much your customers mean to you. You can really make your printed piece stand out in the mailbox by using a heart shape, making it red or pink, or any other creative valentine-themed ideas. 


Call up your top customers.

Showing your appreciation is as simple as picking up the phone. Ask your associates to join you in calling your top customers to tell them how much their business means to you. Take the time to ask them how the relationship is going and make sure to truly listen to their feedback. Building relationships is one of the top ways to ensure repeat business, and picking up the phone is an easy way to build those relationships.


Offer a deal.

Nothing says “I appreciate you” like a deal! Offer a percentage discount or a one-time special offer for your customers in honor of Valentine’s Day. Make sure to have fun around the language you use to tie in the holiday, such as “A sweet deal for you!” or “Will you be our valentine?” 


Send branded swag.

Take your valentine surprise to the next level by sending out swag to your customers. This could be a branded tin of mints, chocolates with your logo or an item of clothing with your brand. Swag is the perfect way to market your business all while giving a special gift!


Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be just about your spouse or significant other. In the world of business, it’s the perfect opportunity to show your customers how much they mean to you! Whether you’re sending swag, a direct mail piece, picking up the phone or sending an email, make sure that you operate your marketing plans with love!